I'm thinking about picking up a pair of these soon:

These sassy lil' things are from Target from their Mossimo line. They're called Presta Wedge Sandals. I think they would be perfect to wear during the spring/summer. I had already tried them on the last time I went to my local Target, but didn't pick them up because I wasn't sure how I felt about them. As the days past, ever so often my mind would go back to those shoes & I decided I really wanted them. Don't let the height fool you either; they're not as painful as they look.
In addition to Target, I also saw an ad for Ulta that if you make any $20 Urban Decay, you get TWO of their 24/7 eyeliners for freeeeeeeeee. How can anyone pass up that deal ?! Especially if you have some coupons too ;] The April issue of Cosmopolitan & Allure's March issue each contain a $5 offer coupon with a purchase of $10+ so there's a little gem for ya :]
That's it for tonight. I really need to start updating this blog more often.
Enjoy lovelies ! ♥